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Price Display

Was/Now... Is Your Comparative Pricing Legal?

Last week, a customer asked me about different ways to display pricing to increase sales. "Was/Now" pricing is a popular way to drive sales - we all love a bargain. But does everyone in your store know what they can and can't do when displaying this? In Australia, there are clear rules which protect customers and retailers from misunderstandings, ensuring bargain hunting remains one of life's pleasures.

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) has useful resources explaining this type of pricing - known as "Comparative", "Was/Now", "Two Price Advertising" and "Strikethrough". I recommended my customer watch and then share with her team this ACCC video.

Even if this is not your own price strategy, it's wise for all retail workers to understand the law. With thanks to the ACCC, this is 4 minutes of excellent - and free - training.

Do you need some ideas on displaying pricing to your customers - both effectively and attractively? Contact Euroswift to see what's possible.

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